Keep your eyes open for the 1$/a gallon sale at petco!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Ok, so now does that mean that Petco here in Wisconsin will have sale too? And by "next" week do ya'll mean June 26? Cause if so, I'm gonna get there early. Cause I can use some various sized tanks.
George9 said:
Is it on all their tanks? Or just a few different sizes?

They don't usually carry tanks bigger than 55g but I've seen some with 75g.
I wish I could get a 100 gallon and that it included the filter/lights.
I was at my local PETCO tonight and They had all different sized tanks stacked in the rear of the store.
Asked kid working in fish dept and she said "about a week".
i have a 55gsitting in my basement empty that i bought last year at Petcos $1/gallon sale:) id normally be excited but im going to look at a 125g that we are buying . . . 55g isnt anything compared to that lol
It a 75g, 48x18x20 tank.

That's my size tank ... a great size IMO, just big enough to let you do some cool aqua-scaping. I've seen them at petsmart.

BTW .. I changed the polyfill this weekend ... not as dirty as I thought, at least not the top .. but at the bottom of the basket .. wow! Very brown! I'll wait 2 weeks to change the next batch.
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