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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 15, 2003
Apparently this is one tough item to locate on Long Island. One site reffered me to Ace Hardware and a product called "Green Light Stump Remover". I can find it on line, but not in stock. I'd prefer not to wait a week for it. Any ideas?
No luck at the only hydroponics place I could find here.

What's it used for? Well, I believe Timothy McVeigh used it to blow up a building in OKC. And maybe that's why it's so hard to find now. Potasium Nitrate is the only thing I've read about to add nitrates to my planted tanks.

The Nitrates in my 125g are 0 and it's one of the things I believe is causing my algae probs.
What's it used for? Well, I believe Timothy McVeigh used it to blow up a building in OKC.

Well, glad that SOB is dead, but you sure got that right, thats a major reason that a hobbyiest cannot buy the stuff.

Leave it to the bad guys to !#$% everything up for the rest of us...
The net is great!!! I found someone selling it for $1 lb :)
well it's about time! a topic near and dear to my heart. i really was going to try and keep these discussions out, but since it's been brought up....

McVey was a pawn. if the evidence of what happened was ever released on a massive level, you'd have one HELL of a coup....but it is available if you do some research. honestly, i'm shaking -right now- because i know these things to be true...and it scares me to death and pisses me off at the same time to know that we have leaders that would allow these sorts of things to happen, and that our society is complacent enough to just lay back and accept everything we're told.

some things to keep in mind -

the walls of the murrah building were blown OUT..not IN. even if the truck WAS the only source of the attack and even if it WAS filled with military grade explosives, it physically couldn't not have done the damage that was inflicted on the murrah building. general benten k. partin, the former head of USAF weapons development, has a report that lays out the facts...the physics...of how a single truck bomb could not have done that damage.

there were several bomb INSIDE of the murrah least three. the ones that didn't explode were actually larger than the ones that did go off. it could have been much much worse than it was. don't believe me? it's part of the public record! look up the firefighter and police rad/com transcripts...all of them say that they witnessed the BATF removing unexploded devices from the building. on at least three local affiliate stations in the city, they all reported multiple bombs were taken away by the BATF. i've seen with my own eyes the local news footage of them backing a bomb-disposal truck down to the building. out of hundreds of people in the area at the time of the bomb, not a single person said there was only one explosion. the fact is that there were at least two explosions recorded and witnessed. the seismigraphic (sp?) evidence from universty of oklahoma and the US geological survey reports proves that fact WITHOUT A DOUBT.

channel 4 in OKC did a major story about how ATF were told not to go to the murrah building on april 19th - the day of the bombing. there are at least two witnesses that have stated in sign affidavits that an agent told the they were tipped off by their pages not to come into work that day. if they knew something was going to happen, why didn't they tell all the children and workers that were in the building? how sick are these people?

don't trust "official reports" and the national media people. please. i'm seriously begging you here. start questioning things. they both have alternative agendas that are very different from what most of you believe. i'm not joking, i'm not crazy, and not trying to make trouble. i am a true patriot, which i wish i could say the same about "joe blo made-in-china USA flag waver" that wants to "bomb ta hell dem der towel heads." again, start questioning things - patriotism does not mean worshipping the government. it's believing those gov't and media lies that has landed us in this clusterf*** of a situation we so aptly call "THE WAR ON TERRORISM." good for you! you're fighting the good get ready to give up your civil liberties. ben franklin said "those who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither freedom or security." think about it. he's was spot on. if you give up your freedoms, of privacy for example, you NEVER get it back. look at the patriot acts people. YOU ARE THE THREAT. the definition of a domestic terrorist can detain you indefinitely without due process for any crime. ANY CRIME! i don't think you all understand what is at stake's HUGE complex situation we're in right now. you know who first invented the idea of a war on terrorism? that nazis. yeah, history repeats itself more often than we care to realize. in fact, hermann goering, hitler's designated successor said it best: "Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to greater danger. It works the same in any country." we are being played, people. the game is real, and it is very serious. if we don't make some MAJOR changes in the next ten over. we ALL lose.

don't even get me started on 9/'ll have to ban me...

for the truth?

sorry for any's hard to type when you're shaking and your mind is going a million miles an hour. i need to get back to studying for my exam 8O
you can make fun of me all you want, just don't tell me what to do.


just because the majority of american people are too stupid and too lazy to look things things up doesn't mean it isn't true. the upside is that more and more people are becoming informed and, i hope, the numbers will grow to the point were something can be done. time is not on our side though...

if you want to talk in a civil fashion, PM me...don't sit there behind your keyboard 1000 miles away and make fun of me concerning something you know nothing about. if anybody is interested in what i have to say, again, PM me and i'd be more than happy talk.

i've made my peace.

[end hi-jack...sorry brian...i have to speak out for the things i believe]
No need to apologize Mr. Burns I see how passionate you are on subject. I respect that. A debate on this topic however would be futile. I've come to realize that on certain subjects people will only believe what they want. One persons proof is anothers' heresy.
Potassium nitrate (aka, "saltpetre") is used to make black powder, a low explosive (remember the records of him purchasing tons of fertilizer). Timothy McVeigh used ANFO, ammonium nitrate fuel oil, a high explosive.

If we are done talking about KN03, then I will be happy to move this to the Lounge for further discussion.

I have purchased KN03 from for cheap, and that helped me loads. Brian, do you have the link for Chuck's planted aquaria? There you can calculate the dosing of this. You might want to consider potassium, as well. Check your tap water phosphate, if you have not already.
i could have sworn i posted... oh well, i said "no need to move it TG, i've said what i have to say. any further discussion can be carried out via PM."
Okay, cool.

This reminds me of when I received my shipment of KNO3 and my father in law heard me utter those letters and numbers. "You know what you can do with that?!" he says....
K and N are part of the macronutrients required by plants. Anyone with a heavily planted aquarium has to watch the nitrate level as plants can use it up. KNO3 increases the nitrate level.
It is one of the reasons why plants and fish go so well together, and a reason why houseplants love spent tank water - nitrate is a plant fertilizer.
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