Koi in a tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 7, 2012
Before you start yelling yes I know I shouldn't have a koi in a tank. While this seems like common knowledge, I knew nothing of it when I started my first tank a year ago. He was maybe three inches long then, and I thought there were different breeds or sizes of koi :facepalm:. Also kudos to the fish guy at my local petsmart who said he'd be fine in a 35 gallon tank but might grow a little. Understatement of the century!

What I want to know now is what to do. The chances of me getting a pond to keep him at the moment is slimmer than I'd like. Is there any way or place he could maybe be fostered long term or that I could visit? I don't even know where to start.
It's a carp. Cow grazer of the lakes. It will be fine if you let it go, given you don't live in Greenland or Antarctica. Do a little research though as I tend to spew stuff out of my mouth after a couple drinks.
If you're willing to get a 500-1000g tank, you can keep him but that's highly unlikely. And NO you cannot just release it. That's illegal and bad for the native species. THe koi will probably not survive long anyways. Don't release it. Find somebody that has a pond to keep it. You can also sell it on AA or aquabid. Just make sure you find a good home for it.
I live in the midwest and the only body of water that comes to mind is a muddy river. I also don't want him to be someone's dinner if possible. :(
BlueMoonLace said:
I live in the midwest and the only body of water that comes to mind is a muddy river. I also don't want him to be someone's dinner if possible. :(

Can you find a local aquarium group? Ask a small local fish store? Put an add on Craigslist looking for someone with a suitable environment for it?
Thanks Bettafanatic, that was along the lines of my plan. In a perfect world I could get him back when I have the space. I guess I'll just have to strike a deal on an individual basis.
Yeah, that was a terrible suggestion on my behalf and irresponsible. For the record, I've never introduced an invasive species in any body of water.
Contact a koi club and see if they will take you koi. You can try the Midwest Koi and Pond Society www.mkps.org
This seems a very fitting solution! I would never have found that alone.:thanks:

Yeah, that was a terrible suggestion on my behalf and irresponsible. For the record, I've never introduced an invasive species in any body of water.
Don't worry I didn't take it too seriously! I'm sure you wouldn't do that.
Don't thank me, thank Google.
I did belong to a Koi club in the 80s and 90s and before the 'Net the clubs were a primary source of learning and exchanging info
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