Kole tang scuffed

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My kole tang seems a little hyperactive the last several days, and has some developed some markings that look like scrape or bruise or scuff marks. First, it was along what would be like the narrow bridge of its nose or forehead...now there's a mark on one side.

It is eating healthy, no other signs of problems with the tank. It otherwise looks OK, in terms of coloring, fins, etc. The marks almost look like they would result from bumping into or scraping along the rocks.

Any ideas?
Without actually seeing the fish, it sounds more like HLLE. What does the fishs' diet consist of and how long have you had the tang?

Ive had the fish 5 months, with no prior problems. Diet is various frozen foods such as mysis shrimp, blood worms, seaweed/algae veggies, brine shrimp, and also freeze dried plankton, zooplankton, some Omega flakes, spirulina flakes, seaweed strips, etc.

What is the syndrome you mention...HLLE?
When you see orange acronyms like that take your mouse over it and leave it , you will see a window appear with the description of the expression !
This is similar to what HLLE will look like.... just remember there will be variances and may not look the same but rather similar.



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