Leather Frag Help!!

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The natural seawater may actually be part of the problem. I would mix your own or purchase it made from RO/DI water to reduce the hair algae growth. I agree that it looks kinda neat but it will take over quickly.
Well I looked up leather cabbage corals and now I'm starting to think you might be on to something here. Perhaps it is a cabbage???

And yes I used to mix my own saltwater but with my at times hectic schedule pre-mixed saltwater just seems to work better for me. I took the rocks out today and scrubbed them down to get some of the hair algae off. I may also purchase a few more hermits.
Well heres a couple new pics. I moved the leather to a place attached higher up on a piece of live rock. Seems to be MUCH happier now. All his polyps are out and growing towards the light. Thanks for the help!


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Nice tank, as far as the hair algae goes i had a simalar problem and bought a few mexican turbo snails. They did an amazing job cleaning my
Tank. Top to bottom. I had only 3 snails and they cleaned all the hair algae out of my tank within 5 days
Thanks! I may have to look in to getting some snails to keep down the algae if it gets out of hand.
What do you have for your cuc currently? Snails, hermits, and emerald crabs really help with maintenance.
Right now all I have are 2 blue leg hermits. I read online that a lot of times the hermits will kill snails for their shells so I just decided to get the hermits and provide extra shells.
Right now all I have are 2 blue leg hermits. I read online that a lot of times the hermits will kill snails for their shells so I just decided to get the hermits and provide extra shells.

Great job providing the extra shells. They will kill snails for their shells if they don't have an adequate supply. That of course doesn't mean they won't kill the snails anyway if the opportunity presents itself.

My personal experience has been that the blue legged hermits weren't as bad as the scarlet legged ones. Although I could have had just a couple mean scarlets and shy blues. :)
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