Lemon Butterflyfish....any experience?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Oct 17, 2006
I was wondering if anyone here had any experience with the Lemon Butterflyfish, from what I heard is that they are relatively hardier butterflyfish and aren't that picky eaters compared to the other butterflyfish. But any input would be greatly appreciated.
Well...I guess I could open up the topic to has anyone ever had any experience at all with any type of butterflyfish and specifically the Auriga (threadfin) butterflyfish and Lemon butterflyfish. Like I said, this species is something I am thinking of adding to my aquarium but I am would like to get some first hand experience on these beautiful creatures.
Sorry no one has answered yet. I have no personal experience with these fish but if your intending to add one to your 40g tank, that may be a bit cramped for it. These fish get nice sized. Also, you mention two different species, hopefully you mean one or the other as adding both may lead to territorial issues and bickering unless it's added to a large system. Neither are reef compatible and may pick at corals. They will also pick at the liverock consuming worms including any featherduster worms you may have. Beautiful fish good luck with whatever you decide.
I am actually in the process of getting my other 150gallon tank setup so it will have a proper home as soon as its established, but the butterflyfish I was currently looking for would be juvenile so he wouldn't be too cramped. And it would be only one of these species not both, I'm trying to decide between the two.
Congrats on the upgrade! My suggestion is to put your money and effort into the new tank before adding unsuitable fish to your current tank. With a 150, you will have lots of options for fish...hold on a bit longer and provide your potential livestock with the proper husbandry.
The only reason I haven't dulged myselft into this 150gallon I have lying around is because I still need to finish my basement which is where the tank will go, but thats a $12000 job, so I rather get my 40gallon tank thriving so I can have both tanks running. That's why I believe that a juvenile butterflyfish would be more than happy in the 40gallon tank until next summer when the 150gallon will be ready and running. Or do you guys suggest otherwise?
Well, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who would agree it is ok to buy a fish that isn't suited for your tank, regardless if it's a juvi or not. Things happen, stuff comes up and planning that far ahead just isnt' realistic. It may take you longer than you intended to get the 150 up and going. So, I would buy fish for the tank you have now and wait til your 150 is up and stable before getting the butterfly.
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