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Aquarium Advice Regular
Dec 14, 2011
Long Beach, CA
I have been reading a lot of advice on this website, and some upsets. I think what is missing are personal success stories involving this rewarding hobby. I recently bought a 75 gallon and watched it grow... and it's still growing! I adopted a male betta fish from this co-worker who was hell-bent on killing it. Every morning, she would dump him in a plastic cup and wash out his glass home with dish liquid. And dump him back inside.

So, now he is sitting at home on my desk, making bubbles while watching me do homework. What are some of your success stories?
Great Story

I took over a 26 gallon tank, did tons of research and I havent lost a fish (6 pristella tetras, 8 bloodfin tetras, dwarf gourami) in the 6 months I have had it. I also plan on getting new lights and starting to grow real plants. Fish keeping is more fun than a lot of people realize
I started keeping tropical fish when I was 13 because this was the only pet or pets that my parents would let me have. Now that I'm a lot older and have my own children I understand why they did this hahahha cause they did most of the work. So after 8 years of tropical with a few different 10 gallons some with turtles. I moved on to the saltwater world of fish keeping in a 29 gallon till i was 28. This tank traveled around to three different appt. And houses. 2 years before this when I was.26 my lovely wife bought me a 180 gallon tank and it sat in her mom and dads basement till we built our own house while I was at the age of 29. During this time I sold or gave away almost all my saltwater stuff and started gathering bigger and better stuff for my 180 gallon lake Malawi setup that I have now. I built my own sump and refugium and a 3D background for it. My plans for the rest of life is to #1 keep mytank now and get into coral reef tanks #2 put a pond in #3 learn as much as I can to teach my children to hopefully pass this all down to them.#4 fflood my basement J/K my wife would have my rear end Lol
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