lighting question

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Apr 26, 2011
I have in my hood 2 t8 42 inch fluorescent tubes which are 40w, i would like to upgrade to high lights. does anybody know which are the best high light t8's? or would i have to change my fixtures for t5's or different.
I dont know anythink about lighting please help lol
Your fixture can only use bulbs that are designed for it like only 40w t8 lights that are 42" or whatever it may be. If you want something that has higher output, you would need a new fixture like a t5ho fixture which actually uses less watts per bulb, but more bulbs can be placed in the same footprint, making for more light output.
how would i get one that is the exact size for my tank?
Fixtures come in standard lengths, 30". 36" 48" etc with various bulb combinations. Just buy the one that works for you.
may want to mention some HIGH OUTPUT lights in the summer time can HEAT the tank up fast! I wanted to use one on a 20 gallon deep tank and I noticed with out the AC directed to the tank the water temp would be HIGH all the time..I traded it for the Hood to my 38 Gallon tank. This may not be a problem for you BUT if it is they do make a tank/water cooler setup..Fans for the heat..
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