Lighting question

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 23, 2005
In the process of setting up a new 55gal saltwater reef tank, this is my first saltwater tank, i have 4 other freshwater ones. Was just wondering about the lighting i know it gives off UVA/UVB rays, my question is, will having a glass or plexi-glass lid on the tank dissolve the essential rays the tank needs.
Most people tend to toss the glass lids anyways (yes they do reduce the K of the light) and put eggcrate on top. Then you basically have a covered/open surface area which greatly helps in the gas exchange process. BTW....eggcrate is the plastic grid you see on some flour. lights in the ceiling. Not the solid sheet stuff, this is a grid. HTH.

Fireman can get it at Home Depot for around 10-12 bucks. Perfect for gas exchange. As long as you don't plan on keeping eels you should be fine.

New Home Depot in Glibert. Figures..expensive side of town, so prices seem a bit higher out here.

Gilbert is the fastest growing city in the U.S. Everyone from Nevada to California are moving here. As a result, pricing has increased. I am currently getting ready to have a home built. You don't even want to know what that is going to cost! :cry:

Im a little confused with the glass lid and the eggcrate, thats combining them both ? just stack them on top of each other ? Also to would plexi glass be as bad as the regualr glass ?

thanks for the help.
Just have the egg crate ontop of the tank. Keeps the fish from jumping out, and the lights from falling in. No glass or plexi needed.
While on this topic, I have an acrylic tank with large oval cutouts on top. Then I have acrylic covers that lie in place in the cutouts. Should i be concerned with the amount of light that is reduced by the acrylic top (3/4" thickness).

Thanks all...

Pete R.
Ok, thanks alot, i gues i need not worry about evaporating water. Thanks for the help everyone.

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