Lighting Suggestions for Low Tech 20 gallon long?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 15, 2013
Tallahassee, FL
Hey guys! I have a 20 gallon long that I am looking to upgrade the lighting on. Right now I have an Aqueon good with a 17w full spectrum T8 light. Now that my tank is cycled and mostly stocked I am looking to add more plants and upgrade my lighting.

Plant wise, I currently have some anubias, Java fern, and anachris. I am going to be getting a glass canopy so I can set the light fixture directly on top.

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Are you looking to eventually inject CO2 as well or just looking to go low tech? A dual T5ho light would grow about anything on the tank, but you could run into problems without CO2 injection on a tank that size.

30in 2Bulbs fixtures

Something like that would work very well.
I think if you are willing to use glutaraldehyde (excel or equivalent... not liquid carbon ;) ) then a dual T5ho would be appropriate and provide you with a ton of options... it would be a dramatic difference from your single T8 fixture.
I think if you are willing to use glutaraldehyde (excel or equivalent... not liquid carbon ;) ) then a dual T5ho would be appropriate and provide you with a ton of options... it would be a dramatic difference from your single T8 fixture.

Thanks! I am still learning all the lingo lol
I work at a pet store and would have easy access to many units, but some of the favorites among the staff seem to be the deep blue solarmax HO 230. It's a dual t5ho with moonlight LEDs.

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I get everything in the store at cost... So whatever we are able to purchase it from our distributors ;) it definitely saves a lot of money for me! (Besides my two tanks, I breed reptiles and have a cat and a 4.5 month old corgi puppy).

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