Lighting while away from home or asleep?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 4, 2004
Hello to all: My question is during the day while away from home is it best to leave all lighting out and again at night. To me it just seems that my fish and Rock are being cheated on light, but I have been told it reduces Algae an such.

Also my bio-wheel is releasing alot of micro bubbles. I have checked the magnet wheel, and water level and adjusted the rotation of the wheels and suggestions?

55gal FOWLR
Bak-Pak w/built in Skimmer
Emperor 400 Bio-Wheel
Coralife 2X65 Coralife Aqualight (130 Watt)
1X15 Coralife Bluelight
30 LBS of LR :?:
Hello to all: My question is during the day while away from home is it best to leave all lighting out and again at night. To me it just seems that my fish and Rock are being cheated on light, but I have been told it reduces Algae an such.

Buy a timer from the hardware store and put your lights on a timer, 12 hours on and 12 hours off. If you experience an algae in crease you can decrease the photoperiod a bit.

No help with the biowheel, except to say, if you have 1.5-2 lbs per gallon of LR, you don't need it, you can simply use powerheads for water movement and get rid of the hob filter. You might check to make sure there is no restriction on the intake, could be cavitation although I doubt it.
Timers are great. I got them on all my tanks. Every so often a timmer will start to fail on you where it wont turn the lights on or off but when that happens you just toss it and get another one. They are under $5 at walmart aswell. YOu dont need anything complex. Just a simple timer that has little pegs you set for the on/off times.
I removed the bio-wheel from mine and now it's alittle quieter but the bubbles are still there. I found if I keep my hands out of the tank the bubbles are reduced significantly (something to do with the oils, etc. on your skin) With 30 lbs. of LR in a 55 gallon I don't think you should remove your bio-wheel, IMO.
reefrunner69 said:
With 30 lbs. of LR in a 55 gallon I don't think you should remove your bio-wheel, IMO.

Agreed, nice catch MT79, I didn't even noticed Truupe had posted it :oops:

30 into 55 is 1.83lbs per gallon. That meets the requirement, which means he should be fine w/ just the rock.

Squishy :)
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