Like moths to a light....?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 13, 2005
Pittsburgh PA
Hi, so at night when the lights go off and the moonlights are running there are these tiny worms, probably no less than an 1/2 inch in size, that rise to the top of the surface where the moonlights are most direct. The reach the surface, curl up and fall back down to the substrate and then repeat the whole process. Many are sucked into the overflow, but there must be several dozen of these worms at any given time. Any thoughts?
Hi Fluff, thanks for your quick response! In the past I would have been freaked out the thought of bristleworms in the aquarium but I guess it's not so bad? I have my sixline wrasse to keep them in check...I hope :lol:

Is there anything to be concerned about? I'm amazed at how many of them get sucked into the sump. There's nothing to keep them "in check" there though...

- Jeff
bristleworms are very beneficial to your tank. They tend to get a bad rep but I have never had problems with them. They make a great addition to my tanks janitorial system... Yes, there are some that are evil, but most are not...
Nah, I wouldn't worry. Bristleworms are beneficial and I'm sure your wrasse will enjoy the snack. I wouldn't be concerned at all. If for some reason they do get to plague proportions, there are ways of cutting the numbers, but like all the other scavengers (pods, worms, etc), the food source will help dictate that.
Steve and Cindy,

All I can is say is.... 8)

Great info and exactly what I think these things are now. Thanks much!
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