Little info I discovered may be helpful to you.

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 9, 2012
Ok so for the last 15 or so months I was under the impression my breeding pair of clown fish were Fancy Ocellaris if your
lfs calls the fish Fancy Ocellaris what it is actually is a True Percula see definition next.

The Ocellaris Clownfish is often confused with the Percula Clownfish,
which has a similar orange and white color scheme. The easiest way to tell them apart is to remember
that the Percula Clownfish has thick bands of black between his white stripes while the Ocellaris Clownfish
has only a thin black line along the edge of its stripes

So as you can see the definition of True Percula the so called Fancy Ocellaris fits this definition. Why would a lfs do this you ask simple pass the so called harder fish to acclimate an less hardy fish off as a version of the Ocellaris which is known to be hardier to the unexperienced saltwater hobbyist so if they don't eat or acclimate properly in your tank they the lfs can make it look like you messed up because it is a hardy clownfish. So next time you see a Fancy Ocellaris remember the definition of Percula clownfish does this fit that fancy ocellaris you looking at bet it does. Also note the price the fancy an perc will be the same price 24.99 at the lfs. No wonder many new saltwater aquarist fail an give up or run back to lfs few times trying to get that fish you want acclimated in your tank the lfs wants you to so you come back to replace your dead fish. They don't want you to succeed right away why? Because if you do that's more money in your pocket less in theirs. Though clownfish is not the only fish they will mislead you on. The lfs may seem to not know what they're talking about to the more seasoned hobbyist but to the new hobbyist they will seem like they do an that my friends is who the lfs is targeting the new guy to get as much money from them as possible before the new guy becomes a seasoned aquariust. Not saying all lfs are like this but the majority are bottom line they want you to have a hard time buy more fish, spend money on items you don't need or will make it harder for you to succeed because all they care about is your money NOT wether you succeed or the welfare of the fish or coral you just bought just your cash is all they care about. Ok i'm done now so new guys becarefull do your homework though even if you do your homework still may take months to find the right answers. Don't let your lfs make you do this :banghead:
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