Live Rock placement

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 28, 2002
How far do you guys place your live rock from the back glass? My husband thinks we have ours too far forward. There is about an 8 inch space between the rock and the glass.
I have some pieces almost touching the back glass, while others are a few inches away. I tried to keep the front more open than the back, while still providing some hiding space.
Mine is stacked up in the middle. Put it were ever you like . Its your tank ! Keep in mind some fish will hide in places you cant see
I leave a couple of inches for good waterflow, I do not leave enough room to clean the back glass. If it were mine...I'd say 8" is too far out, but I agree with the previous poster, it's yours and if you like it, that is fine.
I have both rock in the middle of the tank for the 80. its maybe an inch or two away from the back. I hve two distinct swimming channels this way.

In the 20 the rock is up aganst the back glass.

Just provide lots of flow between the rocks

Mine is pretty close to the glass with some of the lowers acually touching it. Only thing in my mind was the fact that they might fall into the glass when i stack them to the top. and we SURELY dont want leakage. :D
The best PH money can buy, IMO, is the Maxi Jet. How many? Depends on what kind of water flow you already have. You need at least, for a 90, 900 gph. The Maxi Jet 1200 is rated @ 295 gph. So, in theory, 3 of them would put you about right. The 900 is rated @ 230 gph. If you put one at each end of the tank and one blowing behind the rock, you should have plenty of current.
I'm not saying that other PH's are no good, but the MJ is the best of the bunch.
Logan J
About 3/4 of the height of my rock is touching the back glass. It has too. I have around 160 pounds (all live, no base rock, didn't know about base rock when I set it up) in a 100 Gallon. I wouldn't have any room in front if it didn't. LOL! There is plenty of space inside the "rock pile". I have 3 mini jets inside the rocks. For current "outside" the pile I have a Hagan 802 and a 402 in the tank. I also have a 5' homemade spraybar drilled every inch at the top/back of the tank. The direction of the water flow is adjustable by twisting it. It's driven by a 1500+gph (restricted by ball valve to about 900-1000gph) pump in my sump.
I have mine stacked so that some of it touches the back glass but not everywhere. A good thing to keep in mind is to have a good size area for a cryptic zone. This will provide a good environment for anthropods and copepods to breed.

I also don't clean the back or the sides, this is because I want it to be coated in Coraline Algae.

It is also a good trick to use plastic electrical quick ties to brace rocks together. Just work with exsisting holes to tie them together or you can drill a hole. :fadein:

Good Topic.
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