liverock instead of bio balls..

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 15, 2005
St. Pete, FL
I've currently got a 120g running into a 125g wet/dry with bio balls.. its been running for about 4 weeks, I was curious if I was to remove the bio balls, and replace them with live rock, how much live rock do I need, and how much of the bio balls should I remove at a time? I read not to remove them all at once..
I would get as much rock as will fit where the bio balls are, I also would buy rock from and let it become live from my system. No need to pay 6+ a lb for rock you never get to see. Change out 1/2 at a time, wait for 2 weeks and change out the other half. I just added rock in my sump, dry rock, about 3 weeks ago and I already have coraline starting on it.
Ideally you want to replace the bio balls with LR rubble. You might be able to some free from your lfs you ask. You can fit more rubble in the wet section and rubble will give you more surface areas too.

Agreed on the changing no more than ½ at a time.
Do I put the live rock rubble where the bio balls are now, or the 4" space under them?

I also need to set up my protein skimmer.. theres not enough room in my sump for my submersible pump and the skimmer to fit.. can someone please tell me how i could set it up without cutting holes into my sump.. or would i be better of getting an external pump and putting the skimmer in the sump?
A big differnce between the two is that bioballs are ment ot have water trickeld over them and the LR rubble should be completely submerged in the water. You will need to raise your water level in the sump so it covers the LR completely. I have a pic in my gallery of my sump wif you want to have a look.
You want the rubble in the bottom container so they are completely under water. Get rid of the eggcrate if that's what you have. You won't need it.

What kind of skimmer do you have? I had a Turbofloter malti which was outside my wet/dry sump. Sold it when I got rid of the wet/dry sump and went with a larger sump and new skimmer.
i have a euro-reef es5-2, it wont fit in the wet/dry sump with the pump, how can i set it up externally?
Don't think you can. Your choices are a getting a new sump or a new skimmer. I would sell the wet/dry and get a sump or make one from a tank.
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