Local/localish Breeders?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 7, 2022
Coastal Virginia, US
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew any smaller/local breeders that I could support in Eastern VA?
The LFS’s that I have been to will list their suppliers- but these are huge companies that often carry hundreds to thousands of species from both fresh and salt. I can’t figure out where they all come from. I know it’s difficult, but I really want to be more conscious in what my footprint is and avoid live caught if possible.

If it helps, I am interested in Corydoras, tetras, and shrimp. I like livebearers and killifishes as well. Thanks : )
I'm not in your area but one way I'd research it is to go online for breeders (this site, ebay, etsy, a search engine in general) and look at their site/shop for where the seller is. They usually say where they are and you might be surprised to find someone who's very close, or at least in your region. Keep looking through listings, they are all over the country.

If they don't give their location with their listings you can write and ask them. I've found breeders and suppliers of this hobby to be unfailingly nice and helpful.

An additional plus to buying as locally as possible, even if it's online: shipping snafus and weather snarls make staying regional a much better choice if you want your stuff in, say, this century.
Thanks, I'll be sure to look around. You pointed out one of my main concerns: Shipping! Not only does it take a long time, but there's also a chance that the animals may not even survive! I've had too many fish losses due to a LFS not quarantining newly imported animals. I want to go right to the source and know what I'm getting, even if I may have to drive a little.
Thanks, I'll be sure to look around. You pointed out one of my main concerns: Shipping! Not only does it take a long time, but there's also a chance that the animals may not even survive! I've had too many fish losses due to a LFS not quarantining newly imported animals. I want to go right to the source and know what I'm getting, even if I may have to drive a little.

If you want to find local breeders I would try and find the local aquarium club in your area. That is a great way to get in touch with other aquarists in the area (many of which have large fish rooms and lots of breeding projects).
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