losing mollies. :(

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 7, 2012
I have had 3 mollies die this week due to unknown causes. They just look sick and then die the next day. Saturday I lost a golddust, sunday a silver and today a black. All I can see is a silvery spot on the black molly's head. Looking closer, her scales are missing, but she hasnt been dead for more than an hour.

I havent added any new fish to my tank in over 2 months, do a weekly water change of 30%. I dont have the master test kit but my numbers are fine according to the test strips. Other inhabitants of my 55 gal are a feather fin catfish, bristlenose pleco, 4 female, 1 male, 1 juvenile swordtail and now 3 female and 2 male molly. Filter is a penguin 350


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Oh yea, the golddust molly had a red spot that was right above his anal fin that showed on both sides, when I got home 4 hours later he was dead and colorless. He ate and was swimming fine before I left
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