Lost a Peppermint Shrimp....

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 29, 2010
Calgary, Canada
So my LR has a few Aiptasia on it and I picked up a peppermint shrimp a while ago and well all was good the Aiptasia started to dwindle and go away untill I noticed a massive one emerging from the rock..I didnt think much of it for a few days. I went out today (get a needle and some lemon juice to remove it) and I come back and well....I cant find my shrimp anywhere...

I saw him last night with the lights on and after I turned them off...so I moved some rock around so I get to this Aiptasia and I still didnt see him.

Is it possible for the Aiptasia to have actually stung and killed my shrimp...im kinda worried and mad cause he was about 20$

my cleaner shrimp is fine today though and still hanging around no problems....
It might be hiding in the rock somewhere. They aer nocturnal, so look for it after ligihts out with a red light.
i checked all the hiding spots he normal is in and then I checked all around the rocks and I dont see him anywhere im hoping he shows up in a few days but i fear the worst :S

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