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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 31, 2005
Hello everyone. I am pretty new to the hobby, although I did have fishtanks way back when I was in High School, but never really new anything about all the technical stuff. So, I have been reading up and checking websites and there seems to be a lot of contradiction in what to do and what not to do.

I just have a ten gallon freshwater tank - it has cycled and the fish seem happy so far. I have four mollies and a male Betta (and he seems to be getting along fine with everyone). Only artificial plants, a flourescent light, Whisper powerfilter 20 and a heater.

So .. here are my questions (very simple and fundamental, I hope):

Lighting - how long should I keep the light on each day? I have read in some places 10-12 hours, and I have read in others that it should only be on when I am viewing the fish. The tank doesn't get any direct light - it is in a room that is not very bright during the day.

Aeration - I have one airstone in the tank at the moment. Is that enough? How much aeration does a tank need?

Feeding - I've seen instructions ranging from a few times a week to three times a day. What's the best schedule?

That's about it for the moment .. at least that's all I can think of asking.

If you do not have live plants you do not need to keep the lights on 12 hours a day. Just put the on when you want to.

You do not need to aerate at all. But if you want to one airstone is more than enough.

I feed a little bit once a day. Feed as often as you want just do not over feed.

Welcome to AA.

You have to many fish in that tank. Mollys live to be able to swim. The minimum size I have had heard for Mollys is at leats 20 gallons. 4 is way to many. Maybe you can change them for guppies?
Welcome to AA!

I agree with rich311K. lights on for your pleasure, feed a little bit once a day, skipping a feeding if you are gone for a few days is ok, airstones are for show since most filters provide enough surface agitation to let oxygen diffuse in, and be careful not to overstock the 10 gal tank.
Welcome to the board!

General 'rule of thumb' when it comes to feeding is to feed once per day enough that all the food is consumed in about 2 minutes with none left over, or about half that amount twice per day.
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