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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 29, 2006
Hi all,

I am from Brisbane Australia. I got my first tank when I was eight and fell in love with the hobby from there. I have had my current 75g tank for about 4 years and am doing really well with it. I have learnt alot over the years, mostly by reading books, and getting the odd tip from

I am currently moving and thought I'd take the oppurtunity to try something new - I am keeping the tank setup(It works - why change it) the same but am trying a whole heap of new plants I've never grown before, will be keeping the glosso though.

I jumped on the web primarily to get some ideas about aquascaping, I'm pretty good with the technical side of the hobby but amano-like aquascaping still evades me. I stumbled upon this web site and think it is really amazing. I really enjoy chatting about tanks and there is some really great info on this site. It's got the be the best community on the web - So thankyou all for making it so great.

My fish are all named for Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters. My favourite is Clem, my sailfin pleco. But I also have a blue, three spot, dwarf, flame dwarf and platinum gourami (Angel, Spike, Xander, Willow and Faith). Throw in two angels( Faith and Kendra) , a tomiskas(Anya) three corys(Fry, Leila and Bender(Ok that's futurama not Buffy)) and a sole clown loach (Project 314 - He was rescued from the dirtiest tank I've ever seen - I was worried about him being lonely but he and clem are pretty mch unseparable)

I also keep a bunch of different tetras and rasboras (The scoobies)

I run an Eheim 2217. Use DIY c02 through a home made reactor which runs of my powerhead - The powerhead pre filter is a sponge filter that sits in front of the cannister filter which has made a HUGE difference to the filtration in the tank. I run a heap of light with 6 55w tubes 2 compacts and 4 t5s (2 of the t5s are 50/50). My substrate is home made layers of Gravel - Then a soil/vermiculite mixture topped with sand. I run an undergravel filter under it to simulate ground seepage, The uptake on the UGF extends above the water level, then I just have part of the filter outlet diverted to spay into it (so it heavily oxygenates the water).

Well that's about me, once again - Great site - Great community!
Am acutally buying a digital camera when I move in a couple of weeks so I can get some pics up - Watch this space.
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