Low light carpet plant

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 5, 2014
Antwerp, Belgium
Hi, I am looking for any carpet plant that could thrive in my 50G tank with 39*2 lighting. I am aware that in order to for example have HCs one has to have a lighting of about 2-3 W per gallon.And looking at my present lighting system that is way below. I will like to have a list of possible plants that could carpet under such average lighting circumstances.
Hi, I am looking for any carpet plant that could thrive in my 50G tank with 39*2 lighting. I am aware that in order to for example have HCs one has to have a lighting of about 2-3 W per gallon.And looking at my present lighting system that is way below. I will like to have a list of possible plants that could carpet under such average lighting circumstances.


Sadly, creating a "carpet" can be extremely slow going with low lighting. This is because low lighting generally means slow growth. That being said, a plant such as Cryptocoryne parva works well in low light, stays more compact, and if you start of with a few plants it will give a carpeting effect. You could try some dwarf Saggitaria also. These get a bit tall and function better under higher lights but will survive fine in a lower lighting tank. Both of these plants are heavy root feeders, so to promote growth I would have a nutrient rich substrate or some root tabs to help out.
Marsilea minuta is another option, but also very slow growing. Ranalisma rostrata works for some in low tech situations but I know it helps to have a pretty nutrient rich substrate.

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