Low-Tech 10g Planted Build

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Depending on if your light is grounded or not, you can get a timer for less then 5$, maybe 10 if you need the third prong
Looks like I won't be getting a timer. Mom said I should just save my money and turn it on when I wake up and back off in the evening. Oh well. At least I'll have some more money to put towards other things. Gotta drink this grape juice so I have a CO2 container lol.
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Aerial View

FTS (for the most part)

Right Side


Tiger Lotus

C. Wendtii green is not looking very good. Anyone have a guess as to what may be wrong?


The Parva isn't looking to hot either. Maybe I need some root tabs :confused:

Finally, my ludwigia was looking awesome last night, so I just had to get a pic:
looking awesome!!! i love this tank.... the ludwigia looks amazing... so jealous of your tiger lotus!
Your crypt is either: A) Melting (normal, especially in a new set up) or B)that's its real coloration. My crypt lutea turns brownish red with like a red tiger pattern look.
My plants are looking quite red today lol. Although the hair algae is getting annoying :mad: hopefully upgrading to DIY High tech might be able to help me in making it go away lol.
hopefully upgrading to DIY High tech might be able to help me in making it go away lol.

It could also make it much worse! Just make sure you get into a dosing regime if you are going in the high light area and keep your co2 constant or you'll be asking for trouble.
yes I know. I'm probably going to do EI, which I'm going to do a bunch of research on this weekend. And for my CO2 plan:

First I would like to test my GH/KH once I get a test kit for them. Afterwards, I'm going to start up my DIY CO2 container with 2 cups sugar, 1/2 tsp yeast, then fill the bottle up with tank water. A week later adding another container, alternating which one I clean out each week. I plan to run the tubing into the filter input to distribute it through the tank. I would have a water bottle (or something of the sort, maybe just a grape juice bottle filled up mostly with tank water) between the two to prevent yeast from getting into the tank.
Your GH will probably be fine at whatever it is at. If not you can get some GH booster. The ph/kh method of measuring CO2 is not very accurate to say the least. I would recommend a drop checker with 4dkh solution. Also, the bottle in the middle (I think) should be empty. The lines should come in at the top of the bottle. That way anything that makes it through falls to the bottom. I've never done DIY before but I'm pretty sure that is how most people do it.

Another thing, running the CO2 into the filter might make some annoying noises. I don't know if you sleep near the tank or if sounds irritate you but the impeller chopping all those bubbles will be noisy. What type of filter are you running it into?
The only reason i'd put water in the middle bottle is so it doesn't take so long for co2 to fill that area up. Putting the co2 output into the filter input seems to be a pretty common method from what I've read. I'll have to look for a drop checker. Right now I have a walmart filter but I plan on upgrading to an AC 20.
I ended up getting a glass diffuser when I couldn't take the sound of 2-3bps getting chopped up in my power head. I still get good enough CO2 levels and my plants don't seem to pearl as much, which is good in my book (it looks cool for a while but the bubbles get annoying). Don't diss the walmart filters! :) I got one that runs on my QT. Surprisingly it has some decent flow and a large enough media area.
Well I'll still be keeping it for a while but if/when it starts overflowing at the input I'd like to buy an AC. I'll have to look into diffusers to see if my tight budget will allow lol.
Item Quantity Description Amount
---- -------- ----------- ------
106920 1 CO2 Diffuser 5000 28.99
106948 1 Clear CO2 Resistant Tubing - $7.50 / 7.50
10 Feet

Subtotal 36.49
Tax Rate 0.00%
Tax 0.00
Shipping/Handling 7.15
Total $43.64

You might be able to get a smaller one for $15 or less. That is from Green Leaf Aquariums.
Oh cool. Someone also told me that I could also use a bamboo chopstick and stick it into the tubing as far as it will fit and the co2 will diffuse through the holes in the chopstick. Plus it would only be a couple bucks at walmart lol.
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