Low-Tech 10g Planted Build

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Hmmm so I fed them 3 times yesterday instead of 2 and they seemed to be a little more colorful this morning, although they're palish again now. Also I cut down the photoperiod a bit, I was running it a bit too long so maybe if I continue to do this I'll get their color back. I have school tomorrow anyway, so they'll get light from about 3:30 when I get home to about 10 when I go to bed, instead of around 12pm-12am lol.
Just thought I'd fill you in on what I'd like to do in the next few months, hopefully by the end of the year with birthday coming up soon and Christmas not long after :D.

In Chronological order (although some things will be bought together):
-Upgrade filter to AquaClear20
-Add a heater, most likely a Visi-therm or Stealth (not the pro)
-Probably get some Kensfish Food.
-Add some RCS maybe
-Add some MTS and maybe a nerite or two.
-Start DIY CO2
-Add ferts if nessecary

So as you can see, I'd like to slowly start making the transition to a medium-high tech tank :D
Yeahhhhh boy! CO2 is where it's at baby. Add CO2 and ferts and be like "O.O I never knew I had such a green thumb and my tank could grow so lusciously lavish and nice!" Or something to that effect.

:) as always, PICS PLOX.



Show me them​
Fish Pics

Due to the increased demand in pictures, I have taken, you guessed it, pictures. Hardly good ones, but I guess they'll have to do lol. (btw, is that you in that pic taylor? haha)





This one was kinda cool, as you can see they plumped up a bit, yay! but they're still so tiny and hide at any sign of a camera:



Plants and FTS

If you haven't seen the pictures of the fish click here and scroll to the bottom :p : Fish Pics

Rotala is doing WONDERFUL!:


Ludwigia bouncing back:

Marselia doing adequate:

Could not take a good picture of this but it seems to be doing reasonably well:

FTS (eww brown algae)

One Side:

The Other side:

Not sure if you can tell but I can't wait to convert to High tech so I can get rid of this stinkin algae.
I am jealous of your rotalas lol. My plants are stalling out. I think I'm not putting enough co2 in even though I'm getting 30-20ppm on my drop checker.
Thanks you guys. I'm excited to start CO2. I hope it starts to get rid of this algae, it's pretty annoying. Btw I'm supposed to be starting aquatic biodiversity within the next few days in honors biology :D
Thank you LL School J :)

Yes your rotala does look awesome. The new growth appears yellow because of nute deficiency compared to light time, but if it grows it grows so awesome. Seems like you have healthy plants :)

BTW your crypt on the right is huge!!! Did it come like that or grow in? I am jealous, none of my crypts are big like that.
Haha. IRL tho it looks more of a reddish yellow :p and it does seem the crypts have grown some but I'd have go back and look lol.
Hmm the rotala seems a bit white (well, really light green) where it was reddish the other day. Maybe they aren't getting enough light now. I really need a timer. Plus I have some good news, I got some [really] early money today for my birthday :D so now I have 50 bucks to put forward to upgrading the filter, and maybe getting at least one of the heaters as well (and probably a timer with the money I had already began to save up). So I might be able to start converting to high tech sooner than I thought, maybe around the end of September. YAY! :D
More light and some ferts with iron should bring that nice red color back.
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