Macscale's 55g Reef Upgraded

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It's certainly gonna be pricey. If only they would make a wide angle like they do with the pendants and make it stretch 48" in stead of 36".
I stopped updating my build thread before I got the LEDs unfortunately :( I can take some picture tonight or tomorrow though to give you an idea!
So! Big news.
I stopped by the LFS today, and while browsing through the tanks I noticed a Coral Beauty who had been there for a couple months. He was in a tank with some SPS and a couple anemones. I had never seen him pick at the corals. So, I decided it was time to bring him home. Pics once he is acclimated, hoping he won't change his mind. If he does, then off he'll go.
Just some fun shots I took of the tank. I know I'm updating way to much, but this tank is so much fun compared to the 20..

Panorama of the tank:
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The clowns just love the camera:
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The coral beauty:
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For now the Powerheads are on else mode. It's really cool to watch and the clowns seem to enjoy that water movement. The skimmer pulls out some gunk like once an hour. Everything is pretty quiet too.

Can't wait to order Tao panels. I've been sitting here classifying zones good for different corals.
Haha, I don't want to be spamming your emails with the thread notifications.

There will be plenty of fuzzy sticks in here. I'm already making a list...

And of course some Rastas for a future Zoa garden.
Nice pickup! Usually the coral beauty's are your best bet for "reef safe" angel. Oh, and tomorrow's my water change day so I'll be sure to post some pictures for you :D
If I ever figure out how to ship corals I'd definitely send you some frags :)
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