magnesium test kit Salifert

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 14, 2011
Morgantown, WV
I just got a magnesium test kit off Amazon made by Salifert. After adding regent two (the powder with the tiny spoon) my sample (2 ml water) goes immediately to blue... There's no purple or pink or anything for the sample to change FROM as you add regent 3 basically as the result I'm aiming for is already there.

Now, I realize that MAYBE my water is crazy high full of magnesium so I have run this test on

1)my aquarium water
2)my tap water
3)RO DI water

All with them turning blue immediately

I googled a youtube video of someone demonstrating how to do the test and although I can't understand the language I CAN watch and see they are adding things just like me, but they are getting a pink/purple starting color in their vial.

Does anyone have experience with this test and possibly I am mixing something wrong?

I have looked at how to contact Salifert to see if the test is bad and it looks like this isn't going to ever happen.

My test is marked to expire 10/2016 and the package is labeled as NEW (I think this means the new tests require 5 drops of regent 1 and 2 ml of water)
If it immediately goes blue it means you have NO manesium. I know the table they provide is backwards, but the .02ml increments indicate how much of part 3 is LEFT in the siringe, not how much you added. Not what you'd expect.
so perhaps your magnesium level is increadibly low, and if your not using a reef salt mix, that COULD be possible.
HOLY CRAP! I went and tested some water that I added MgSO4 DIRECTLY to and the test went pink MEANING that it WAS crazy low and thus the immediate blue!!! This is a freshwater tank so it wasn't like my corals or fish were suffering BUT my plants I'm sure are not liking this at all. I posted it here because I know a lot of saltwater people use these tests and might know what would cause immediate blue. A MILLION thanks for this input as it's going to save my plants.
Glad I could help. I was doubtful that was the problem, because what saltwater aquarium would ever have NO magnesium. Then you said Freshwater. Yup, problem solved. Good luck with the plants
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