Magnetic holder for heater?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 30, 2006
Seattle-ish, WA
I've got my own experiment going on right now in my saltwater mix tub, but was just curious if anyone has played with attaching a VisiTherm heater holder to one of those magnetic powerhead holder and ditching the stupid suction cups?

I originally didn't think it'd work because I figured the magnet would mess with the bimetallic thermostat that controls the heater. But in doing it tonight and turning the thermostat knob higher and lower, the heater seems to turn on and turn off just fine.

I'm going to run it that way for a while in my mixing tub to see if it works long term, but was curious if anyone else out there has tried it. I'm thinking someone has...
I haven't tried that, I just drop the heater in the water with the ph. I don't use the suction cups, but I have a 32G bucket. I'd be interested in knowing how it works.
Oh... I don't really care about the looks of my mixing tub... the idea is for my main tank. (One of my heaters is refusing to stay stuck no matter how much I clean the glass or put on new suction cups!) I'm just trying it out in my mixing tub in case it doesn't work I don't mess up the temp in my main!

So far, so good. After 12 hours, the water temp is right where it should be, and I've witnessed the heater cycling on and off. Will let it go for a couple more days until I move the idea into my main.
Suction cups are a PITB (B= butt to be family friendly :lol: ) I'm so happy since getting all the PH's out of my tank that used them. Good idea, I hope it works for you.
I'm going to put the idea into my main tank on Saturday. Didn't have any issues at all in the saltwater mixing tub. Will keep you posted. I really didn't expect this idea to work - maybe the Visitherms aren't controlled by a bimetallic thermostat? Hmmm... gonna have to bust open one of my 50W heaters that isn't used anymore, I think!
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