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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 1, 2006
How many of you leave your magnets connected? How often do you use them? Can they damage (good) glass???????
I actually stopped using my mag-float. It picked up sand and scratched my galss. You can leave it in the tank with no real problems.
THere is no issue with leaving them connected other than the inside magnet will collect coraline on the outside of it. There will be no damage from your glass by using one of these but if you have an acrylic tank get the model designed for acrylic.

The only issue on potental damage to the glass is using them down next to the sand bed and getting some large grains between the glass and the magnet. This can cause scratches in the glass under the right conditions but not every bit of sands going to scratch.
I do not see a problem with it but I take mine out. Be carful with these things, they can hurt you. Mine is made for 2" acrylic and I was messing around to see how strong it was. 8O Lets just say they are strong.
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