Making soft water hard

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 14, 2004
New York, NY
Ok, so now that I have this "white cloud" issue under control, my next question is about getting my water to a desired hardness. I've got a bag of about 3/4 cup of crushed coral in my filter and although I had an initial rise in my GH and KH from 1 to 2 and 3 respectively over about 5 days, it hasn't progressed any more over the past 10 days. How long does it usually take to get these parameters up? My goal is around 5 or 6 and I have a 29 gallon.
A cup of cc might not be enough to make the water hard. Maybe a layer of cc under the substrate? Or get some calcium carbonate rocks. Texas holey rock looks great.
I may only be a newbe to this website but dont judge how much I know sum rocks such as limestone make the water hardness go up but also put up the alkaline levels.

Kaden :D
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