Mantis ER

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 28, 2004
My tank is going through its ammonia spike. Yesterday Afternoon I noticed my Mantis "napping" in a small cove on some LR. I knew he was suffering from the ammonia spike. I tried to catch him with a jar but he had enough energy to scater into a hole.

I set up a bottle trap with some shrimp hoping to catch him. When I got home from work this morning I saw the Mantis laying in the middle of some sand. He looked like I did(on my side kinda curled unresponsive) many Saturday nights when I was in college. I used a credit card to scoop him into a jar and transfered him into my hospital bucket. He was next to dead. Some of the appendages twitched speratically. 7AM

I went to bed for a little while, when I woke up at 11AM he was still alive, his appendages were moving with some coordination. There were some attempts to swim but no control. I headed to my LFS store and picked up an Eclipse 3. When I got home I put in some sand and 2 small pieces of LR.

All afternoon hes been perking up. He doesnt seem to be as shy of the light anymore. 3PM While he was at the front of the tank I moved my hand in large circles and he followed my hand with his eyes. He looks like hes sobering up, I offered him some food but he doesn't seem interested.

Heres a pic, if anyone knows the species please post.

It appears to be a G smithi. (sp) A basher type common hitchhicker to aquacultured rock in the Gulf of mexico and atlantic reagions. Mostly a red-brown with tints of green between the scales. Orange flanges and legs with a bit of blue on the knuckles of the forearms. Sound about right?
Yup, the same as I got. I caught mine earlier in the week and have in a 10 gallon now.
The body is a darker blue.

He finally found a place to hide and sleep of the ammonia hangover.

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