Match fish to this tank and water

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 9, 2003
NW Illinois
I currently have a 20 that I keep soft water fish in, but this requires buying RO water at the store and bringing it home as my tap is very hard.

Looking at a 46 gallon bow, but I don't want to continue buying RO water for changes for that tank. I'm not buying and hauling that much water for weekly 20% changes. I'd rather simplify with a Python like method of water changes.

So, with 46 gallons and water that's about 26 GH and 7.8 pH, what would I be best off keeping?
That would make a great African Cichlid tank Scott. Or you could the standard brackish water tank. Scats, Monos, Puffers. :D HTH
You could keep 4, possibly 5 fancy goldfish. You might be able to have cichlids if you raise your ph a little (but I'm not sure about the gh)...
Mollies are another option.

I saw some in a lfs yesterday that absolutely blew me away. They were all in SW conditions, and were the largest mollies I have ever seen; they were sailfins and were easily 6 inches long not including the tail! And absolutely lovely; the colors were amazing. I didn't recognise em at first they were so striking. Certainly changed my impression of mollies.
Any of the live bearers should do great in that condition. Of course I have gouramis, tetras, fly fox, platies, betta (not all in the same tank) living at 7.4 pH. Stability is the most important thing, unless you are wishing to breed fish.

But cichlids should do fine in there as well.
I initially thought about the African Cichlids, but most of what I read says 55-60 gallons minimum.

Goldfish really aren't my thing.

Live bearers... hmm.

I suppose Gouramis can live in about anything.

Thanks for the input so far!
tkos said:
Any of the live bearers should do great in that condition. Of course I have gouramis, tetras, fly fox, platies, betta (not all in the same tank) living at 7.4 pH. Stability is the most important thing, unless you are wishing to breed fish.

But cichlids should do fine in there as well.

I wasn't so wrried about the pH as I was with how stinking hard my water is. Maybe it's time I save up for my own RO unit and stick to my Cardinals.
I initially thought about the African Cichlids, but most of what I read says 55-60 gallons minimum.

There are lots of smaller species of africans that that only get to be about 4-6" some even less that you could keep in there.
You could have a lovely group of Neoloamprologus Brichardi. They are about one of my favorite fish, and they are "stepped" breeders in that as the fry grow they help protect and raise the next generation. Add some kind of synodontis cat and you are set. Sahara sand and limestone rock is all you need.

Also there are dwarf cichlids that would work, and would really appreciate your water.

Definitely consider livebearer's, but also consider what to do with all of the babies :wink:
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