Max size of these fish?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 30, 2012
What is the true max size of these fish? Or rather, how big do they usually get? I'll give my estimates. (I don't necessarily believe what says)
Celestial Pearl Danio- 1/2"
Endler's Livebearer- 1/2"
Male guppy- 2"
Long finned gold zebra danio- 2" (body only not fins)
Bristlenose pleco- 4"
Swordtail- 4"

I think the endlers can get get closer to an inch, and the plecos get to about 5" instead of 4, but honestly it's pretty accurate. The thing to question on liveaquaria is minimum tank size. The max size on there is pretty accurate.
My main concern is the danios. I just don't see them getting 3" long like liveaquaria says. I've had an endler for a while and he seems to be full grown as I haven't seen even a slight growth in him yet. I was thinking redoing my stock in my 29 gallon planted like this:

1 bristlenosed pleco
2-3 male guppies
6 long finned zebra danios
6 celestials
3 endlers
1 high finned blood red swordtail
A colony of cherry shrimp (There's already 15 and counting)
And micro crabs (idk how many)

I feel like this is manageable.
And also I'd like to get a killifish of some sort.
I like the more colorful ones. Like the reds, and the ones that are splashed with a million colors.
Cherry Shrimps Are To Small They May Get Eaten By Your Other Fishes , I'll Suggest Amano or Ghost Shrimps !!
I've had them in there for a while now and they've been fine. Fish pay them no mind.
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