Maybe I'm crazy, but

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 22, 2004
isn't lead poisonous to fish? When I have bought plants in bunches before, they often have a metal weight banded around them, with what I assume is lead. I have always taken the band off and weighted with rocks or buried in the substrate. I started going to a LFS closer to my house, and their display tanks are all planted. I was surprised to see that they leave all the bands on the plants. I asked the LFS guy, and he said the band won't hurt the fish. Can anyone tell me how a lead band can be safe in the tank?

:? I typed a reply and it never happened, oh well... I couldn't remark on whether or not you're crazy but I've always wondered that sort of thing as well. They sure look and feel a bit like lead. I realize zing is better than lead but is it really good for the fish? I've heard stuff about keeping zinc away from birds and other animals. Who knows. Whether or not something is said to be safe, it's always good to go with your gut.
They are a zinc/nickel alloy, not lead.
You should't plant them with weights attached either...remove the weight, plant the stems individually.
Plant weights tend to rot stems.
really depends on the metal. certainly don't want anything that rusts or oxidizes in there for long, or heavy metals like lead, mercury...
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