mbuna urgent question???

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 8, 2009
salt lake city utah
hello its been along long time since i posted in here, but i had a tropical tank 29 galons and i gave it away to my sister cuz she love dit and didnt had money for one, i had a 29 gal tall cichlid tahank and a 75 gallon salt reef but this is wat happen my aslt died and slowly due to medication and then i lost my job and couldnt afford to fix it so i gave the corals and fih away and then i passed all my cichlids to the 75 gal aquariom in which i had 3 peackok cichlids 1 male 2 girls and a whole buch of mbuna dont remember the specific number but anyways....

i move them there and they lasted there for alonf time and one day i only got one orange survivor due to the lights went out for 10 hrs and next week when i was about to get him and the pleccos out i found out i had 4 baby cichlids now they are about 1 inch long from head to tail.....

my real question is my friend its about to give me 2 -4 oscars about 3 inch the biggest one is there a problem i i keep them all together in the big thank with rocks????? the big orange one its always hiding aswell as the babies, or what other fish could i put wit them that will make the tank look cool cuz i like cichlds but im bored of them :fish2::fish2::fish2:

sorry for the long post
No you can't keep 2-4 oscars plus other Malawi cichlids in a 75g, oscars need a mimimum of 55g each. If your keeping africans then the only choice is to add more africans. How many and what sizes are the other fish?
well i have 5 cichlids 4 are alittle bit less that 1 inch and teh ther one is an adult cichlid but it looks like he might not last t oo long he used to be active till like 3 months ago it has been hidin under the rock and its a scarycat now and wat about just one scar the thing my frined dont want them on his 10 gal aquarium and he is gonna flush them if no1 takes at least 2
All you'd be doing is placing them is a slightly better situation, are you telling us your friend has 4 oscars in a 10g tank?
ya he had that and its a tropical tank like i kno i can keep 2 for sure and i can give the other two to my gma the have a 125 thank wit 1 paccu and 1 huge i mean huge plecus
he actully had 6 at once, n i talked to my gma and they ill take only 2 and so wat would happen if i keep the other 2 they are between 2 inches and 3 each oscar
If you rehome all the cichlids in your tank you could keep two oscars, with good filtration and lots of water changes. I keep my breeding pair in a 75g while they spawn and it takes two Fluval 405's with two 50% weekly water changes to keep up with them.

The other issue is the long term health of the oscars being in those conditions, I'm sure they're stunted by now and possible other poor water quality issues like HLLE/HITH.
one other friend has a baby maybe 1 inch woulf cichlid he is sellin wat bout that one?????

NO, Wolf cichlids reach sizes of 28" and have the behavior and aggression levels of a serial killer. Why don't you try using Google to look up some of the fish your inquiring about.
well its cuz i havent found any thin on the wolf one and the oscars i found out that u can mix them wit any cichlids thats y i rather ask here where ppl either have tried it or know wat they r doin
im sorry about that, i have been looking for tank mates for my cichlids besides plecus what else can i get them that its not a stupid loach
Unfortunately Africans are fairly aggressive so tankmates are tough. I would recommend some species of synodontis catfish, clown loaches, or a rainbow shark.

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