Medication questions

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 17, 2004
New Hampshire, USA
I'm very confused on all the different types of meds. What's the difference between Maracyn 1 & 2? The only meds I have are Melafix and Quick Cure (have only used Melafix). What's the difference between Melafix and Pimafix? Is there a difference between Melafix and Maroxy? What would be good meds to have on hand? Are there certain types/brands to stay away from?
All recommendations and opinions would be great!
These are excellent questions. In a way like asking what's the difference between Anacin and Excidren. I like to keep on hand a gram negative and gram positive bacterial medicine. I use Furacin Green. I'm not sure which maracyn is both. I believe Maroxy is an anti fungal as is Melafix.
I agree with Brian that keeping broad spectrum antibiotics against gram- and gram + bacteria on hand is a good idea. Also, keep in mind that most medications permanently stain aquarium silicone - another good reason to keep a cheap 5 or 10 gal tank handy for use as an infirmary.

This is a good link detailing some of the more common meds disease

Here are some fish med manufacturer links - probably the best source of information for ingredients and prescribed usage.

Aquatronics - makers of Kanacyn, Spectrogram, Furacyn, and Bettamax
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals - makers of Melafix, Pimafix, and Furan 2
Kordon - makers of Formalin 3 and Rid-Ich
Jungle Labs - makers of Fungus Clear and Parasite Guard fizzy tablets
Mardel Laboratories - makrers of Maracyn, Maracyn 2, and Coppersafe
Thanks for the info and links! Quick question: How important is it to add carbon after medicating? I'm sure it depends on the medicine used? How about for melafix?
Thanks.....I've had fish for less than a year, so I'm quite confused with all the medicines out there 8O
most of my medicines state that i should leave the carbon out until the disease is cured cause the carbon filters out the meds
That's correct. Often you need to leave out the carbon until you are done dosing the meds, not just when the disease disappears. As with any medication, read all instructions.
What's the difference between Melafix and Pimafix? Pimafix states that it treats internal infections. Does that mean it would treat Dropsy and other such diseases? Thankfully I don't need any, but would like to have soomething on hand to treat diseases. What diseases would you use Maracyan 1&2 for?
Maracyn is a broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment for gram-positive bacteria, like body fungus.
Maracyn-Two is a broad-spectrum antibiotic for gram-negative bacteria. Use for dropsy, gill disease, popeye, fin and tail rot. I got this info from the brochure inside a box of Maracyn-Two that I have. Don't know the diff between Melafix and Pimafix.

Go online and request a free catalog from Dr.s Foster and Smith. Their med section gives a good description of what each med does. They have a good selection.
MelaFix is an antibacterial remedy that is supposed to rapidly repair damaged fins, ulcers and open wounds as well as promoting regrowth of damaged tissue and fins. The active ingredient is Melaleuca.

PimaFix is an antifungal remedy that is supposed to rapidly treat fungus infections on body and fins as well as also treat internal and external bacterial infections. The active ingredient is Pimenta racemosa.

I have both although I can't personally swear to their effectiveness. I have read reviews from a lot of other people who think that MelaFix is extremely effective.
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