Missing Krib Fry

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 4, 2006
Madison, CT
My kribs spawned, the fry hatched (about 75) and the all but 3 disappeared the second day. Now 4 days later at least 10 of them have reappeared in the cave! I don't think the parents moved them as they never were guarding another area. Plus why would you move all but three? Because I have larger pebble substrate, not the recommended fine gravel or sand, is it possible they escaped the cave an fell in between the pebbles only to reemerge a couple of days later? When they first hatched, the parents were constantly catching the wrigglers the fry in their mouth as they approached the end of the cave and spitting them back into the rear of the cave. I just don't get what is happening.
I would wait a while and see if they show up. When I was breeding guppies I noticed some of the fry would hide in the rocks (I have pea gravel in my 30g) and only come out after lights out. You could check at night and see if you see anymore. The kids might sneak out after the parents go to bed, just like us humans! LOL.
Yeah, I was shocked to have 75 one day then 3 the next. Couldn't figure out why they had eaten the rest and chose to guard the cave with only 3. The next day I was more shocked to find 10 in there. I think they're playing with my head.
There are about 15 fry that are alive and well. Both parents are very attentive and take them out for most of the day. When the day's over I shut the light in the tank but leave the room light on. I guess she thinks it's evening because she makes a couple of trips and spits all the fry back into the cave for the night. Incredible to see.
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