Mixing up feeding time

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 24, 2013
East Tennessee
So I was thinking I might grab something different to feed my fish than the flakes. Just to add some variety. My Molly goes wild when the algae wafer for my snails hits the water.

Any suggestions on compatible foods for a Dalmatian Molly, Sunburst Platy, and small Neon Tetras?

Or is it better to just stick with the flakes?

Variety is the spice of life.
Brine shrimp and/or bloodworms if you want to give them some extra protein. Just dont go overboard with the bloodworms as they are kinda fatty.
They also sell an algae called spirulina in various forms (flake, pellet, wafer) that is supposed to be good for most fish.
Its my understanding that mollies will eat green vegetables like spinach, cucumber and zuccini. I'll be looking into how to prepare these myself as I'll be adding a few mollies to my tank in the next couple weeks.

I currently have 7 serpae tetras and I alternate flakes, crisps, dried brine shrimp and frozen bloodworms. Just yesterday I feed them some peas and they loved it.
I like to go with brine shrimp for snacks because its easy to get live ones. You can get sea monkey kits at Walmart! And the fish go crazy for them.
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For some reason none of the LFS near me will sell live brine shrimp.
I've been debating hatching my own but can't decide if its worth the effort.
Daphnia are good for fish with small mouths as a live food. Mine eat cucumber courgette apple bloodworms daphnia algea wafers and flakes and all seem to be doing well.
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