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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 6, 2004
Yorktown, Virginia
I recently, about 3 weeks ago, got a 36 gal bowfront and have 3 african cichilds (yellow lab, kenyi, and an auratus) which seem to get along well so far. The tank has just finished cycling. Anyways, my question is how many fish (african cichilds) could I eventually have in this tank??

[center:c074ecb49d] :smilecolros: Welcome to AA, Crippldogg! :n00b: [/center:c074ecb49d]

You have two very aggressive cichlids and a semi-docile one (yellow lab). I would not add any more fish to that mix. 36 gal is a great size for a peaceful community tank, or semi-peaceful species tank, but not for a Mbuna cichlid community. My guess is the cichlids you have now are all young, cute and docile, but within 6 months to a year, they will mature and their true temperaments will come out.
They will need lots of rock and hiding/territories. I believe shawmutt has owned the yellow lab and kenyi a similar sized tank. If he doesn't come on this thread, drop him a PM.
Crippldogg said:
How about mixing other species besides cichilds?

I would not suggest it.

Adding a pleco or syno would be a good consideration but depending on how aggresive the cichlids get, the pleco might be in danger.

Feeder fish are good additions every now and then :)
I'm sure they would for a couple months at most... but IME once the cichlids get big, little fish tend to die :(

but then again it all depends on the personality of the individual fish too!
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