more?'s. lights cf vs incan

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 17, 2007
I have one live plant and want to switch to cf lighting. I can't find any types other than the run of the mill, everyday cf's. I think they are all 13w. My tank says only (max?) 25w bulbs. Can I just switch to the basic cf's? Will it make any difference? I do hope to find a few low light plants to add but as I'm very rural, I've not run across any yet. Right now the tank has tubular incand's that came with it.
The CF's are more powerful than regular incandescents, as I'm sure you know. I think if you are only striving for a low light environment that 2 of the 13W would be perfect. What size tank is this?
Thanks. It'a 10 gallon tank. I just thought I should make sure it was safe to put light bulbs in there that weren't for tanks. Somehow it just didn't feel right!
As long as they fit and don't go over the limit on the wattage for each socket, you'll be fine. I use 2 10 watt CF screw in bulbs over a 10 gallon and it looks great.
When looking for plants, check out the Classified's and Barter/Trade portion of this site. Many members are usually selling quality plants on a regular basis.
your best bet with screw in CF bulbs is if you buy the "Daylight" bulbs at Walmart. they are 6700k bulbs and will grow plants, the sowft white versions of the same bulb dont do much to enhance growth.

i use screw in CF lights on my 30/29/45/60hex tanks, and they all work fine...:)
cali- I used to have the exact same setup that you are using, and I found that the incandescent bulbs were not only worthless for plants, but would also really heat up my tank (which is bad). I found some screw-in compact flourescents in the fish dept. at Walmart to replace them. I believe the brand name was "Lights of America" and they are made for aquariums. Or, you can order some at - they have the Coralife brand. I'm sure other sites have them too, but I've seen them on the Drs' website for sure.

You will not believe the difference that CF bulbs will make in your tank, plus they burn cooler than incandescents, and should help your temp stay more stable.

You don't really need the "aquarium" CF's. If you can find Daylight CF, these will work just fine, and at a fraction of the cost of the aquarium stuff.

Walmart here seemed to have stopped stocking the daylight CF's. In Candaa, I can still find them at Canadian Tires, Ikea & Home Depot.
Wow! You guys really are the best. You've all been very helpful. My lonely plant is probably feeling much perkier already! Can't get plants from this site 'cause I'm in Canada but thanks for the idea. I think when I get in to the city (maybe next month) I'll be able to find a store with some.
Now lets just hope when I get my tetras they are as comfy as my plant!
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