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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 16, 2006
Myrtle Beach, SC
Ok, I have this stupid sand, that I asked about in the other post. It is sooo light that everytime my teeny little ADF kick off to swim, little balls of what I assume is Argonite float up to the top of the tank. What is the purpose of argonite? And how the heck am I gonna vaccum this stuff?!?! Thanks!
did you clean the sand before you put it in? or did you just dump it in? if you didnt clean it, it could be because there is dudst in it still
and isnt aragonite for saltwater?
I did clean it. The bag said to soak it, and I did. The bag said that it's for salt or freshwater, as well as terrariums. I guess I just need to toss it as a learning experience and go buy some different sand. Sheesh. I'm not sure if it's argonite, it just looks like it. Thanks.
MickieFish said:
Ok, I have this stupid sand, that I asked about in the other post. It is sooo light that everytime my teeny little ADF kick off to swim, little balls of what I assume is Argonite float up to the top of the tank. What is the purpose of argonite? And how the heck am I gonna vaccum this stuff?!?! Thanks!

Mickie.... like we said in the last post... it could have been 2 things-

1- Cleaning (more likely)
2- You added the sand after it was wet, and like flour does when you add it to water. Oxygen formed around the sand and made little balls of sand/oxygen. Wait a couple of days.... this is what I think it is if it isnt the cleaning.

Also.... if you decide to toss it.... just use pool filter sand. Get it at home depot. It will cost you 6 bucks, and you will have enough to fill 3 of your tanks! Again... rinse it very well, but because it is thick, you hardly ever vacuum any up during water changes, and it also doesnt cloud the water.
Aragonite is useful for maintaining a high pH, 8+, if you have saltwater of african cichlids. For frogs, that's way too high.
ya, you cant just soke it... you really have to get a big bucket or somethin and fill it like halfway and poor the water in, mix all the sand around so all the dust kicks up, and then dump out the water with out dumping the sand :) just repeat that untill the sand is coming out clear. i usually just do it outside with the hose, and just spray it into the sand istead of mixing, but it does the same thing
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