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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 16, 2003
Edmonton, AB, Canada
To make a long story short, the tank that I want is a full inch in length longer than the tank stand that it's meant to go on. This, to put it mildly, sucks.

tank stand dimensions: 30.5" x 14"
tank: 31.5" x 13.78"

My question there any way that this tank can go on this stand? As it is right now, there would be a half inch overhang for the tank on either side. I assume that this is a bad thing, unless I hear otherwise.

Suggestions? Comments? TIA!
3/4 play wood overlapping tank by 1/2 inch each side between tank stand and the tank.
Unfortunately all of the load is distributed around the frame, so it is not a good idea to have it overhanging.
plywood must be waterproofed, so that it does not swell over time.
The way these water boxes are strongest is if there is support going from the outermost edges straight to the floor. If there is overhang, even beefed up with plywood, the weight of the water will be transferred to whereever the support is, and in this case 1/2 inch inside. IMO this will cause stress on the glass and eventually cause the tank to break, but I am the nervous nellie type! :wink:
Can you return either the stand or the tank for the correct ones? Plywood is not such a good thing as it is made to be plyable...once it gets wet it will warp and...well, you know. If you're stuck with these components, you may want to post this question in the "General Hardware" forum.
That's not that big a tank - I'd do it and sleep easily at night.

31 x 14, you're probably talking about what, 30 gallons or so? That's about 250 lbs. total. That's nothing.
Personally I wouldn't worry about the overhang. Been through this discussion on other forums and you will get a mixed responce. My 16g has about an inch overhang each end and has been like that for 20 years off and on. You are not really talking about much overhang here anyway...
Like jhd said get a sheet of 3/4" plywood and cut it a little bit longer that the tank's length. If you are overhanging the stand by only 1/2 inch on either end the plywood is not going to deflect enough to cause any concern. If you do not have the tools to cut the plywood yourself, your local Home Depot, Lowes or Lumber Yard can cut it for you. Use the plywood and I am sure that you will have nothing to worry about.
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