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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 26, 2012
Columbia, PA
Alright, we're looking to be moving in the next couple of months. What is going to be the best way to move our tanks? We have two large tanks (65gal community, 55gal mbuna cichlid) and the area we will be moving to is approximately 30min away. We have approximately 20 fish in each tank, and the weather is chilly here.

Also, the house we are potentially moving to is on well water. Anything we should be on the lookout for, use to treat the water with, when re-setting up our tanks? I know to keep filter media submerged, but beyond that, I'm clueless.

And just in general, any other advice and info would be much appreciated!
Check out a thread called moving a tank for the first time posted in this forum on 12-26. Stingray posted a step by step reply that is one of the best I've seen. You can use the search function to find it, I'm away from home following on my phone and can't find the cut and paste function in the mobile app at the moment.
Thanks, Sambo. I tried searching "moving" but nothing was coming up. I wonder if my computer was just pinging it wrong.
Thanks, Sambo. I tried searching "moving" but nothing was coming up. I wonder if my computer was just pinging it wrong.

Well I would move the tanks in the car with the fish in a bucket. The cichlids would need their own bucket. Keep the decor wet in the bucket with the fish to preserve bacteria and also giving them places to hide. Well water is better IMO because it doesn't have chlorine. I used well water for years without ever conditioning it.
I would test it before using it though, or at least treat the first time if you can't test before hand. Wells can present problems other than chlorine, such as higher ammonia/trites/trates and hardness issues. Also of the house has been empty and the well not used, they used to pump chlorine down to "cap" the well to prevent bacteria build up. I don't know if this is still common practice or not though.
The house is being used still. Actually, it's one of my husband's co-workers currently living in it. So we may be able to test it, not sure though. Also, is there a reason to use bags vs buckets for the move?
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