MTS with Tiger Barbs?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 15, 2005
Tampa, FL
Will I have a conflict with Malaysian Trumpet snails and my Tiger Barbs?

Id like to have them to keep my sand substrate churned.
not that i know of, i absolutely love tiger barbs, i cant wait to get a huge 55 with a giant school of them in it

its the perfect snail to keep the sand airated (or however you spell it)

i see no problem, good luck! :D
I can't imagine there would be anykind of conflict. The barbs probably won't even notice the MTS are there.
I don't think you would have any problems, but why don't you churn it yourself?
Blazeherd2306 said:
I don't think you would have any problems, but why don't you churn it yourself?

Going for the self cleaning tank. Otos and cherry barbs for algae, corys for bottom cleaning and MTS for the sand churning.

All in a good balance to not get overstocked:)
My tiger barbs eat the ramshorn snails that I put in the tank for the severum, so I guess I would watch out. :?
MTS have very hard shells and are left alone by most fish. You should give it a go. My mts are never bothered by any of my fish. And your mts also will be reproducing like crazy if you have enough 'leftover' food getting to the bottom of the tank. HTH!
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