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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 16, 2011
Memphis, TN
So I thought I had gotten rid of all my snails, and then POOF, 500-million of them resurfaced. I scooped out all of the ones that I could get, but some are too small and fall through the net, and then disappear in the sand before I can get them. So I moved one of my dojo-loaches into the tank to see if *maybe* he'd help me out but noooo. He's not helping, but he is, however having a BLAST in the sand. None of my LFS carry Assassin snails, one will order for me, but I'm having surgery next friday and need this tank to be stable enough so that my parents don't kill it while I'm in a drug-induced haze. Would it work to suck all the sand out and dry it out then put it back in? or get new sand? Is there something I can put in that will kill the snails but not my rams? Anything that's going to cause a nitrate spike, needs to be done before friday, because after I can't handle it and my mom has no clue how to deal with the tank past throwing food at it. (Btw, they are fed NLS, and only get a couple of pellets a day, I've worked very hard not to overfeed but these SNAILS). Any help is appreciated, I'll do just about anything to get rid of these stupid things so I can stop worrying about them ruining my tank.
Put a nice sized lettuce leaf down then once they get on take them all out or get assassin snails to get em!

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