Mudskipper Tank Mates

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 4, 2004
San Jose CA
Hi,I am wondering what aquatic tankmates can go with mudskippers.I am using a siliconed plastic ramp to separate the land and water.The water is definently brackish and is about 36" long.I am using a 20i whisper filter for the water area.I don't really like the crabs because they will eat the red amngrove leaves.Aquatic plans are java fern and java moss with son driftwood.It is a 40 gallon aquarium filled with 20 gallons of barcksih water.I thought about anableps and archer fish but the tank is very small.I thought about some gobies,but most of them I know might be too small.The species of mudskipper is Periothalamus Barbus, I asked an expert mudskipper on a different sit he said 8 would really go good in there with archers or anableps,I believed him because he has is own tank with them.But the only one I am interested in is the anableps.So if you have any more fish suggestions besides crabs,archers,and anableps I will happily take them.Thanks!!! :) :D
I know of a few fish, and I hope this helps. fish such as the common glass fish, knight goby, dragon goby, scats(butterfishes), killifish(check on specific types), sailfin mollies, puffers(spotted, figure 8), half beaks, and the green chromide. these are fish that I know of that thrive in brackish enviroments.
Puffers are known for there aggresivnss and I wold not have them with mudskippers becuase they might bite a chunk out of it :cry: .Monos and Scats(after some resarch) need more salt as they grow older.Killifish are kinda small and might get eaten.And after some more resaerch the rest are true bracksih fish I guess.Anyone if I ahve anything wrong pls correct mr :D
Well,some research said yes but the only things that can fit in their mouth whole.Like bumble-bee gobies,clown gobies,and butterfly gobies.That is why I ruled them out earlier,but I made this topic because I don't really have any idea of medium to large brackish water fishes.I had alot of help from a guy who own a mudskipper web-page.It is really help ful but if you have any questions you just have to e-mail him.If you need help,e-mail me and then I e-mail what you said to him and what he sends to me I'll send to you okay :)
hehe thanks for the offer, but I don't need to know anything about mudskippers at the moment =o)

A scat is brackish but needs a HUGE tank to keep happy

go to and they have a special page for brackish fish, maybe you can find something there and ask that guy if it would be compadable
You're mudskipper "expert" doesn't appear to be an expert, as mudskippers are VERY territorial and need at least 10 gallons of WATER per fish. They're not only extremely aggressive to each, they're very messy. They need about a 90-100g tank to properly house a small group of them. They also need a specific gravity that is far too high for any plants like java fern or java moss. Mangroves are the only plant that can be kept with mudskippers.

Anableps get VERY large over a foot and need a spacious aquarium of about 90-100 gallons as well. Archers get around the same size and need a full tank. Not the half filled tank you have in mind. fiddler crabs are really the only tankmate you can keep with mudskippers, they WILL eat anything that can fit into their mouths.

Sorry, but clearly your "expert" isn't as knowledgeable as you think and has given some bad advice. A 36" tank is a little on the small size for mudskippers, you also need a hydrometer and marine salt to make the water brackish.

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