My 75 gallon Cichlid tank! What's yours look like?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 17, 2013
This is my 75 gallon mixed african cichlid tanks. I have about 20 mixed cichlids in the tank with a pleco and three danio. I know they aren't supposed to be in there but the are aggressive toward the cichlids and survive great. I also have two convicts. I know these particular cichlids are South American but I bought them before i knew anything and they have been in there about 6 months now and I can't give them up now :)
Lastly there are two rainbow sharks because I really wanted sharks
Let me know what you thing I have just recently rearranged the rockscaping and fake forest. I am loving it and I think the fish are too.


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My 55 g. 1 johannii, 1 bumblebee, 2 red zebras, 1 yellow tail acei, 2 sm jack dempsys, 1r firemouth,, 1 black convict. 1 fw crab, 2 blk mystery snails.

I did have 3 zebra danios and 2 micky mouse palatys in there but finally put them in a new smaller community tank
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