My birthday present! - Goldvine

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Aquarium Advice Obsessed
Jul 17, 2011
Sunny Queensland, Australia


My birthday is soon so my hubby let me loose at my LFS :D I got some nice pieces of goldvine. Can't wait to get them clean and in one of my tanks! Of course he thinks I'm crazy! Lol.
Very nice pieces! The only wood that the pet stores sell here is mopani.
Who doesnt love a quality stick for their birthday?!?

AWESOME looking pieces!!!
Mumma.of.two said:
Gboy - hence why hubby thinks I'm cRaZy! Lol.

Haha! I know how you feel..nobody would buy me manzanita for christmas..can you believe that?! LOL!
Mumma.of.two said:
Thanks :)

what? Rude! Lol. if only they understood!

I might just print this out and stick in on the fridge!!! Lol.

Now, are these pieces going in the new 8g build? Or maybe the 70? Or one of the goldfish tanks? I know too much...

Happy birthday by the way!!

I'm thinking the 40g goldfish. Going to see if it's possible to scape a goldie tank without them destroying everything. So far they are behaving themselves with plants.
Mumma.of.two said:

I'm thinking the 40g goldfish. Going to see if it's possible to scape a goldie tank without them destroying everything. So far they are behaving themselves with plants.

Nice! Train those goldies!
Lol happy b day!! Haha did he walk down to the each and find some nice pieces? Haha i have done that before...
Happy birthday! Such wonderful presents! Heh, my 30 gallon was a birthday present from my boyfriend. I'm pretty sure he still underestimates how happy he made me. My mother thought I was nuts for going out and buying prime and a big bag of marine salt mix after she gave me some birthday money.
Hsppy belated birthday! I know you will make good used of your gifts. Remember to share the pic when you are done scaping them.

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