My crayfish is carrying eggs!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Oct 26, 2003
Daytona Beach, Florida
I apologize for all my new posts, but this got me kind of excited!

I was doing a water change today, and in doing so, I had to pick up the pile of stones my crayfish had been hiding under for the last few weeks. I hadn't seen it out and about much lately, and I had thought it may be sick or something.

Turns out, once i got it out and moving around while I was vaccuuming the gravel, it's carrying a whole bunch of eggs under its tail.

Am I going to have baby crayfish? I don't have a male crayfish in the tank to fertilize the eggs... I honestly don't know a thing about fish reproduction, so I'm kind of curious whats going to happen!
Heh, if there's no boy there's no babies. Its still really cool to know you have a female who is comfortable enough to think your tank is a good place to have em tho.

Oh, and btw, never apologise for having a bunch of posts; its what were here for :)
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