my female dwarf gourami is acting sick help with diagnosis plz

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 30, 2012
My female gourami has had a loss of appetite the past few days and jus yesterday she was laying on her side still breathing and after a while she swam around a lil and ttoday she is jus kinda laying between a rock and the gla ss just breathing
Can you post more info like water parameters. Tank size, water change schedule tank mates ect.
She died earlier today but still wondering why it happened

40 gallon planted
Change out about 10 to 15 gallon every tw o weeks
.1male dwarf gourami
.5 neon tetra
.2 white fin tetra
.1tiger barb (i know they go best in schools of 5 or more but it has fun and kinda .keeps to it self)
.1 5 inch striped raphael
.2 mystery snails
.One albino bristle nose plecco
.1zebra loach

Her and the male have been mating and the male has been going hard at his nest do you think she starved bc he is so aggreasive
About 1 month I checked her out no open soars or nothing out of the ordinary
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