My ghost shrimp have eggs!

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jul 15, 2003
Mesa, AZ
Tonight during a water change, I noticed two of the ghost shrimp in my 29 gallon tank are carrying eggs! I watched one fanning them for several minutes--it was fascinating!

Has anyone ever successfully raised ghost shrimp? I don't think I want to go to the trouble of putting them in their own tank (then again, maybe I will). The tank is moderately planted so there should be some good hiding places, but I've read that the fry are very small. I suspect they'll get eaten.

Oh well... they were originally bought for food for my puffer and got too big for him to eat, so I guess this is their way of contributing to the food chain. :lol:
From what I read, a species only tank is pretty much the only way to go. Though, you may get lucky and a few will survive.
Very nice, by reading you guy's post, I have no clue what my shrimps are anymore.

Yall have way bigger Ghost Shrimps than mine....
Don't feel bad, Tim. There was a batch of BIG ghost shrimp floating around a while back. It seemed like quite a few people ended up with some pretty large ones.

I'll try to get some pics of the ones holding eggs tomorrow... I didn't think to try!
I got lucky... I caught one hanging out under a log. She was an easy target! Look at the underside of her belly--you can see the eggs.

Here's the shot:

I think I have a prego also. Does anyone know how long they stay connected to momma shrimp?
Thanks, Alli... I got lucky catching her under that log! :)

From what I've read, I don't figure I stand much of a chance raising any of the fry. But I've got at least two carrying eggs so hopefully I'll at least get to see them before they get eaten.
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