My modern 55 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 23, 2014
I built this tank stand and canopy out of red oak. It has a modern look to it with 6 pull out drawers and a canopy that open on a hinge for easy access. I also made the slate background by attaching it to 1/2 plastic mesh with aquarium safe silicone. Right now I have a blue turquoise discus, 10 glo fish , 3 rainbow sharks , and a snowflake eel along with moss balls, java ferns and amazon swords. I still plan on adding a piece of driftwood .


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Wow, great job. Background came out nicely. Makes a perfect discus or angel setup in my opinion. Woodwork looks good too.

Just have one question? How you keeping control of the condensation build up? You got sliding glass covers or ventilation holes? Why I'm asking is cos I have a similar tank and my lid just gets unbearable with the condensation...
Thanks! I can't wait to start on my next project 150 gallon tank .
That background is amazing. Are the edges on the tank curved? Btw the three rainbow sharks might end up killing each other when try get to around full size.
Yes they are curved and thanks for info about the rainbow sharks I didn't know .
Yes they are curved and thanks for info about the rainbow sharks I didn't know .

Most sharks (actually minnows or catfish depending on the type) do not tolerate one another unless they are in a large aquarium with many hiding places.
Also the rainbow and Discus are not the best mix as they don't tolerate to the sharks constant maneuvering. As well, Discus do best in groups of 5 or more. This enables them to create a pecking order and establish an "alpha" in the tank. Require many frequent feedings and WC's as juvies to reach max size (6" or more) but are very tolerant of a wide pH range once they are accustomed to it. General rule of thumb for Discus is 10-15 gallons per adult fish. There is also much debate in the Discus community as to substrate verse bare bottom tanks for many reasons that I won't go into now.

Overall, I think your setup looks nice. Good luck with it.
Thanks I have a 150 gallon tank I plan on turning into a discus tank. Then I can get him some more friends.
Absolutely love this tank. Love the curved corners and the background.
Did you make the background or did you buy it?
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